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 Basic users help - Move in 3D with the arrow keys or drag the mouse over the 3D / for more advanced help using bs contact click here
Software requirements
For basic software requirements to run Babelx3D/ABnet3 multiuser worlds please look here
Feature Use   Other info
Arrow_keys moving across the 3D scene
  First click the 3D scene to define focus

then use the arrow keys to move
Pressing the Shift key simultaneously increases movement speed
Mouse moving across the 3D scene
First click the 3D scene to define focus!

-Left mouse button: move around in the 3D scene
-right mouse button: opens the Main BS Contact menu
The mouse scroll wheel has additional functionality:

-Turn it: adjusts your point of view (look up or down)
-Press it: opens the navigation menu (read more info below)
Navigation_menu Configure Walk, Fly, Examine, Pan, Jump, ... 
  The Navigation menu is one of several Bs Contact menus accessible from  the main menu.

Access this menu directly by pressing the mouse scroll wheel.

Bs contact
Navigation Menu allows users to configure the movement on the 3D scene

The image shows the standard mode in ABNet: Walk with collision and gravity selected. 

You can select other movements like Fly, Examine, Slide, Pan, Jump, Game like, etc., available in your version of bs contact.
For more advanced help on bs contact Navigation Menu click here 

For more advanced help using bs contact click here
Babel_interface Babel is the interface for ABNet
Babel Interface Babel Interface for ABNet

The image shows the location of the most important components/functionalities available.

Avatar List
A pick list to choose/change your avatar. You can also use your own avatar from an outside url (
see how here)

Avatar gestures
Choose the gestures available to the actual avatar : happy, sad, sit, sleep, etc.

Worlds List
Here you can choose another world. The list of worlds shows the number of users chatting in each one.

User List
List of users chatting on current world.
Click your nick to define your profile settings
Right click a user to see his profile.

Chat Smileys
List of icons/smileys available on Chat

Chat Theme
Pick List of Themes available

World info
Direct link to builders Home page (feature available for worlds registered in ABNet database)

Full window
Maximizes 3D Window

Defines a few interface settings

Help guide

Link to this help page

How to share a new world through ABNet?
Click on Settings and look for info on how "to launch a world not registered at ABNet2 server database" or follow this link:

Babel Flying Avatars (comming soon) Configure, gestures, create babel flying avatars, etc.  New gestures set and over menu
      avatar showing the over menu
To change your avatar click the human icon on the interface to access the avatar list


To use an external avatar click your nickname to open user settings

To start avatar gestures use the gestures menu as seen below
         Babel Interface

ADVANCED ASPECTS: AV Menu, Fly Mode, Still Mode, Etc.

The coming babel avatars have a special Fly mode and an over menu to access other av features.

Fly Mode (only for new coming avatars)

The avatar responds to gravity and automatically launches the appropriate animation (fly or walk).
When the user engages the fly movement (in Navigation menu) or any other mode with no gravity (example: Jump) the av automatically launches the fly animation. When the user turns to a movement with gravity the av launches the walk animation. All this is done automatically by the avatar.

Av over Menu (click the av to access it)
The menu gives access to av gestures and other options like the
Still Mode

How to create new avatars for babel/AbNet?avatar studio
You find gestures, instructions and a special export file (avatar.ASTmpl) for Avatar Studio to generate flying avatars in:

   .BabelX3D_Avatar_Studio_addonPack.zip   (click file to download)

With this export file
, Avatar Studio 2.0 generates flying avatars automatically.
You can also convert your old avatars; just load them to avatar studio 2, add the new set of gestures and save. They will now include the new babel features, like Fly mode.
The over Menu
Click the avatar to open/close
its menu.
- Allows launching multiuser gestures (shared) and other interactions or shared options directly from the avatar (pilot*).
-When other users click the avatar (drone*) they will see the nickname on top (not the av menu)
- is usefull in standalone avatar viewing to test gestures and other functions. See a demo here

The avatar you are using in a world is the Pilot, the avatars of other users that you see on the scene are called Drones.

The new set of Gestures
newavmenu 1-Hello

new gestures not available on  standard Avatar Studio.

The Still Mode
disables automatic movement animations (walk, fly and idle).

Normally, When you move the avatar it lau
nches the movement animation (walk or fly) and stops any other gesture. This can be annoying sometimes.

.If you are seated in a table and by accident click on the keyboard movement arrows the av gets up and starts walking.
.if you try to seat inside a dragging viewpoint of a moving train the avatar starts walking by itself.
.If you are dancing and try to move around dancing the av automatically stops the dance gesture and starts walking.
.The idle animation can also be annoying if you intend to be seated on a gardens bench since idle starts from time to time .

Still Mode disables all automatic movement animations (walk, fly
and idle) and solves these kind of issues.
How can I share my world through ABNet? - Just follow this link: http://odisseia.babelx3d.net/abnet2/index.aspx 
 Basic Icons - to show a icon in chat, write the correspondent smiley chars string below / for another icons list available on ABNet click here
Icon/smiley Name   Text to write on Chat  Other info
 Basic Icons - to show a icon in chat, write the correspondent smiley chars string below / for another icons list available on ABNet click here
very happy 1 - very happy :-D  or :D  
icon_smile 2 - smile :-)  or  :)  
sad 3 - sad :-(  or  :(  
surprised 5 - surprised :-o  or :o  
confused 6 - confused :-/  or :/  
cool 7 - cool 8-)  or  B-)  
lol 8 - lol :lol:  or lol  
mad 9 - mad :-x  or :x  
raz 10 - raz :-p  or :p  
embarassed 11 - embarrassed :oops:   or  oops  
shock 12 - shock    
wink 16 - wink ;-)  or  ;)  
neutral 21 - neutral :-|  or :|  
question 22- question :?:  
sleepy 30 - sleepy :zzz:  or  zzz  
rose 50 - rose :rose:  or :@};-   :flower: 
smoker 55 - smoke :-)_  or :)_   :smoke:
fireworks 56 - fireworks :fire:  or :fireworks:  
Click here for another list of smiley icons on ABNet